You may know her as Speaker Jane, The Tea Lady, Auntie Janey or even as TikTok sensation @afternoonteajane
but she's been giving engaging, uplifting talks to both social and business groups/conferences for years. Described as a National Treasure, her talks leave the room smiling and with powerful food (or tea) for thought! Within Jane Malyon's afternoon tea etiquette expertise (she's written a best seller and given a TedX on the topic too!) there are multiple memorable metaphors for corporates to improve communication, sales and rapport. You also might get to find out what you should do if you have a cherry stone in your mouth and you're in polite company.....or the correct way to stir your tea!!
Putting the TEA into
TEAm Building!
Strengthen relationships within your team
in one fun, fascinating, challenging and delicious session!
Jane works with companies that want great communication skills and engagement
Whilst also enjoying the treats, this very interactive event motivates the group to develop their strengths, collaborate and find new ways to communicate, using each element of the Afternoon Tea experience as the guiding inspiration.
A valuable behaviour-changing opportunity -
not just a piece of cake!
"Very engaging, useful, fantastic! Helped
everyone in the room" Intu Properties, London
"Thank you for making us ask ourselves some serious questions and motivating us to take action."
Janice Meikle, Director, Marketing Matters
Fancy A Cuppa?
How do you like yours?
This exercise gets the group finding out something unique about each other. Can even include bespoke tea blending from finest loose leaf ingredients.
Using the Tea Strainer
Remembering to filter communication too. Learning to critique with kindness. Words
to use, words not to use!
One Lump or Two?
Learn how to sweeten the
deal and provide added extras that delight.
Cucumber Sandwich, m'dear?
Historically, a symbol of one-up-manship, now the sandwich platter represents
sharing and inclusivity.
After you? No, after you!
Consideration and working as a team. Is there a hierarchy in your team? Is your social structure working well?
Cream or Jam first?
Appreciating that your way is not the only way! Trying on other people's perspectives!
The Power of Being Noticed
Constructive praise and thanks to
create motivation and energy in
your whole team.
"When Jane walks into a room you immediately want to go and talk
to her – she fills a room with happiness, love and laughter."
Bridget Hunt, The Diet Detective
"Jane knows her stuff! HIGHLY recommended!”
Cathy Prested, Director at Funky Casinos
HOW TO BOOK for Putting the TEA into Team Building:
Held in your offices or venue (or for an Away Day trip to The Secret Sconery, Essex, CM6 1RF, UK), teatime treats make for the best bonding medium of all.
For a quote, let Jane know if you would like Cream Tea or full Indulgent Afternoon Tea included in your Team Building event plus the number of attendees. Most sessions last 60-120 minutes - but guide on your requirements.
(Gluten free, vegetarian or vegan guests can be accommodated.)